jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Reading: the Christmas tree

Good afternoon, kids:

You have to read this text and answer the questions with a long sentence in your notebook.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Video: Pluto´s Christmas tree

Hello children:

You watch this video and do the activities in your notebook.


martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Listening Game about Christmas

Hi teens:

Christmas is coming and this week we are going to work some activities about this festivity.
The activity for today is:
You listen to this audio and answer the quiz in your notebook.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Listening: Grover And Alphabet Soup.

Good afternoon, children.

The activity for today is the following one:
You have to watch this video and spell these words like in the example.

EXAMPLE: ZERO: Z-E-R-O: / zed / i / ar / ou /.


martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Listening and grammar: present continuous.

Hi Kids:

You have to watch this video and copy the sentences which are in present continuous. Later translate them into Spanish in your notebook.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Grammar: present simple.

Complete with the correct verb of the present simple and write the sentences in your notebook.

1. X   I ________ (go) shopping with my aunt.

2. V   We usually ________ (use) the smart board in class.

3.        ______my friends ________ (study) French at their school?

4. X   School ________ (finish) at two o´clock.

5. V   He________ (live) near me.

6.      __She _______(like) hip hop music?

7. X   Helen ________ (do) her homework after lunch.

8. V   You ________ (play) cricket in school on Thursday afternoon.

9.       ____ They ________ (watch) TV in the morning?

10. V   My mother ________ (learn) English.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Listening and vocabulary: phone numbers.

Hi kids:
Listen to this video and write these people´s phone numbers with words.


David Medina:

Sarah Connor:

Steven Carson:

Nicole Johnson:

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Vocabulary: geographical features.

Complete with the names of these natural places and copy the full sentences in your notebook.
1. The Sahara is the largest ________ (desierto) in the world.

2. The Volga is the longest _________ (río) in Europe.

3. La Carihuela is a _______________(playa)which is in Torremolinos.

4. Mallorca is an ____________ (isla).

5. The Teide is a  _____________(volcán)which is in Tenerife.

6. Niagara is a beautiful ______________ (cascada).

7. They swim in a fantastic ______________(lago).

8. There are lots of ________________(acantilados) in Ireland.

9. Los Pirineos is a __________________(cordillera). 

10.Danish people can see_______________(glaciares)in Greenland.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Listening and grammar: city superlatives.

Hello children:
You watch the video, do the quiz, copy and translate the positive sentences with superlative adjectives into Spanish in your notebook.
Have a nice afternoon!

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016